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  • Writer's pictureZan Willit

The farewell of the untold goodbye


It’s a very common yet a complicated aspect of life. With birth of any living or non-living thing on this planet, it is presumed that there’ll be a termination for sure. However we still can't cope with the process of it. It is sudden, it’s shocking, and very despairing.

To once where there was nothing, to when something had begun procreating, to when birth was given, to when it's life span had to end, and to the time that there was nothing all over again. Such is the cycle of life.

When we lose someone, prepared for it or not, we are in such a state of shock to comprehend what’s going on, let alone trying to see the positive aspect of it. We cannot deal with the sudden change which takes place, and that makes us very empty from within. The impact affects us so deeply, that it is even hard to be in a normal state of mind. This is quite a difficult test we are put through. How can we stop ourselves from falling apart? And if we do fall, how do we gain the courage to get back up? We lose faith in life, but when the people we love, leave us, the last thing they would want us to do is hold back in life. All they ever wanted for us was to be strong and lead our lives with the love that they have given us throughout their stay, for however long that was. They’d never want us to be sad and demotivated in live because of their departure, instead they'd want us to always be happy. Sooner or later that would teach us to discover the true meaning of life.

The grief may not fully go away, but that’s what the purpose of life is. When we experience one’s demise, the only benefit it leaves us with, is to do better. Be a better person, be kind and giving, because life is short and we should practice giving love and spreading happiness.

Here’s a personal story I wanted to share…

As a kid I was always pampered by my grandparents, but as I grew older I became more interested in other things in life than my family. Being a teenager life became a mess. School and friends were the things that I felt was more important to me at that time. But, with time, I learnt how to settle down and still be grounded. Only as a millennial, the fondness for my grandparents grew stronger. Though by that time I didn’t live with them anymore, we stayed in different countries. There were times we talked over the phone, I told them whatever was going on in my life, and they were very happy to know about it.

Then came a day when I was with my family at the table having our meal, and we received a phone call that Nana was no more. I froze. And the only way that could get me back to my senses, was to burst out. The next thing I remember, I was on a flight to see her for the last time. That was the only journey which seemed the longest, my mind was all over the place, I felt lost. I was unfortunate not to be with her during her last hours. She was the only person in the entire universe who loved me with all her heart, unconditionally. She always protected me, and cared for me, though I didn’t recognize it sooner. And I regret that I didn’t appreciate her when she was still among us.

The view of the sky and shining stars

As kids we were always told that when any of us dies, we become stars. So I assumed that brightest one, was her.

Her demise only made me realize of all the good things she did, and the way she dealt with all her struggles in life. It gathered me up, it gave me strength to do well and to improve myself from within. Every good thing that happens to me, I always miss her presence. May she be in the highest possible place in the Heavens and rest in peace. That is all I wish for her.

Not everything that happens to us is for a positive reason, but we need to obtain what's positive from every situation to move on in life.

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