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  • Writer's pictureZan Willit

Lotuses grow in dirt

Imagine a world, where people are devastated, and tired of waiting for a miracle to happen, some who think that they might die until the wait gets over. A world that’s lifeless. That’s a world without inspiration.

Inspiration is a huge and amazing part in life, it helps us to adapt things which attracts and builds us in better beings. It pushes us forward, towards being successfully happy.

To be inspired is to be happy and grateful. Whatever impulses us, makes us change into something new and good, and improvised. Being trendy, people follow the latest craze in fashion, have fancy cars and even luxurious houses, but that’s not the only inspiration there is. Look around and you will find various reasons to be influenced. A picture of something, or an object or a song, a quote or a magazine, you name it. Everything has its own spark, we just need to recognize it to feel it.

People are enthusiasts for eye-candy, inspirations also hides in history, books and philosophies, to guide us through the book of life. It may give you an extraordinary ability to look at the world in a diverse manner. Inspiration opens that door to you, which leads to the joy of life but you are too timid to enter it because of your own insecurities.

Well some of you might think, that the only time you can inspire someone is when you are successful in life, or when you have achieved something. That is so not true, one should not need a support system to make others feel a sense of motivation. Some may be very rich and successful, but they are always in search of enlightenment, and if they come to you, always give them good advice. No matter how hard your life is, no matter how many obstacles you’ve had on your path, no matter how many bad decisions you have made, all this doesn’t matter. What matters is what you have learnt from them. There’s a right time to give back goodwill in life,

and that is now. Now is the time to spread some love, help elevate other people, create a vision, because encouragement is the key to bravery.

Lotuses grow in dirt, it just needs the strength from it's surroundings for inspiration to grow beautifully.

Why wait for a miracle to happen? When you can conquer the world yourself. Don’t depend on others to change your world, be the person who can change it with grace. Be the illumination. Be inspiring.

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